Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

mobile friendly photo

The above graph shows the number of users conducting online searches on both desktop and mobile devices. As of 2014 the number of people searching the internet on mobile devices surpassed desktop users. This means that if your site has not been converted for mobile devices, your internet rankings may suffer.

Google offers a tool that allows you to type in your website address to see if it is mobile friendly:

As of April 21st, 2015 Google began boosting the rankings of mobile-friendly pages — pages that are legible and usable on mobile devices — in mobile search results worldwide. This also means that pages only designed for laptops and desktops may see a significant decrease in rankings in mobile search results.

Users searching on desktops and laptops will still find non mobile friendly sites ranking the same. But statistics in the above image show that mobile searching has surpassed desktop searches and continues to rise. Making your website mobile friendly means (1) that it is responsive (shrinks and expands depending on device used) (2) phone numbers automatically open dialing function (3) addresses open a map feature and (4) navigation scales to the three bar ‘hamburger’ image when a site is viewed on a mobile device.

The transition to a mobile friendly website doesn’t involve any effort on your part, but it should be on the top of your list for summer 2015. Contact me today if you would like help with this conversion.

Kari Brown